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Dundela Infants' School and Nursery Unit, Belfast

Paddington Talk for Writing P3H

10th Mar 2025

This year we have been delving deeper into Talk for Writing. This innovative approach to writing has had such a wonderful impact upon pupils’ writing. Each unit uses language development and play at the core and then pupils transfer their learning into their written literacy work. 

To connect with our topic of transport we were excited to begin a unit all about the famous Paddington Bear.

Throughout this unit the pupils have developed their ICT skills through creating simple animations, paintings and using Google Earth to find famous landmarks that Paddington would have seen. During Activity Based Learning, pupils used recycling materials to create London Landmarks for our class Paddington to visit, created our own tags for our favourite teddy, enjoyed role playing at Paddington Station and used a map of the London Underground to direct toy trains from place to place. 

During our writing we created a list of 3 adjectives to describe Paddington adding commas and accurate punctuation. We then learnt about the elements of letter writing and wrote our own letters from Paddington to Aunt Lucy. 

We have even more Paddington fun ahead and look forward to seeing what Literacy skills we will be developing next!